“I believe the staff at St. Paul’s is one of the many highlights of our school. They are strong Christian individuals who promote our core values through their daily interactions with students and families. They are extremely dedicated, personable and caring. Our staff is truly one of the features that set us apart from other schools in the area.”
- Scott Osbourn, Principal
Laura Osbourn
PK3 TEACHER losbourn@stpaulskingsville.org
Jill Barnes
Linda Huber
PK4 TEACHER lhuber@stpaulskingsville.org
Jenny Fussell
PK4 Aide
Janet Coons
KINDERGARTEN TEACHER jcoons@stpaulskingsville.org
Ruth Ann Mitchell
Erin Winter
FIRST GRADE TEACHER ewinter@stpaulskingsville.org
Monica Brant
SECOND GRADE TEACHER mbrant@stpaulskingsville.org
Melissa Lindner
THIRD GRADE TEACHER mlindner@stpaulskingsville.org
Lynee Edwards
FOURTH GRADE TEACHER ledwards@stpaulskingsville.org
Katie Stephens
FIFTH GRADE TEACHER kstephens@stpaulskingsville.org
Tracey Clements
MIDDLE SCHOOL TEACHER tclements@stpaulskingsville.org
Jeff Osbourn
MIDDLE SCHOOL TEACHER josbourn@stpaulskingsville.org
Jenifer Schildwachter
MIDDLE SCHOOL TEACHER jschildwachter@stpaulskingsville.org
Cathy Wiley
MIDDLE SCHOOL TEACHER cwiley@stpaulskingsville.org
Steve Mikros
ATHLETIC DIRECTOR smikros@stpaulskingsville.org
Erica Gnade
MUSIC TEACHER egnade@stpaulskingsville.org
Cheryl Ehatt
OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR cehatt@stpaulskingsville.org
Amanda Brintnall
OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR abrintnall@stpaulskingsville.org
Diane Kretzschmar
SCHOOL NURSE nurse@stpaulskingsville.org
Emily Mitchell
DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS emitchell@stpaulskingsville.org
Pam Weimer
Cara Balcer
Alyssa Zellinger